FCNet Printing
Our print payment system for Student Printing in the locations listed below is currently broken:
- 212 Transfer Ctr
- 800 Academic Support Ctr (ASC)
- 513 Computer Lab
We are working to fix this issue. In the meantime, print credits will be added to your Student FCNet account at no cost to you. There is no monetary transaction for adding print credits right now.
Please go to Lab 513 during open hours to receive print credits.
Link to Lab open hours: https://fcnet.fullcoll.edu/computer-labs/hours/
Black and white printing is five cents $0.05 per page. Color printing is twenty-five cents $0.25 per page.
Please note this is only to print in the 212 Transfer Ctr, 800 Academic Support Ctr (ASC), and the 513 Computer Lab.
There are other locations to print on the Fullerton College Campus however Student Printing is managed by that Department. Please refer to that Department directly regarding Student Printing.