FCNet Faculty and Staff Accounts
Fullerton College Academic Computing Technologies provides FCNet accounts for faculty and staff members. Hourly employees may obtain hourly staff accounts. Without an account, you will not have access to applications running on the server.
An account will be created for each faculty or staff member who fills out a Network Account Request Form and is approved by their Division / Department. Please allow three working days for your account to be created.
Your FCnet account information will be sent to your FCNet Account Department contact.
Once an FCNet account has been created, the username and password will be emailed to your Division Administrative Assistant. User names generally follow the first initial last name convention (i.e. JDoe@fullcoll.edu). Use the assigned password for the initial login to your FCNet account. Once you are logged in, please change your password immediately. Passwords expire every 180 days and can be changed at any time by logging into Microsoft O365.
Your new password must meet these requirements:
- A minimum of 10 characters.
- Requires three out of four of the following:
- Lowercase characters.
- Uppercase characters.
- Numbers (0-9).
- Symbols (below are characters allowed)
- A – Z
- a – z
- 0 – 9
- @ # $ % ^ & * – _ ! + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ ” ( ) ;
Account Management
FCNet accounts can be managed through the Sharepoint Portal. New account holders should sign in to the portal, click on Account Profile, change the account password, and then follow the steps to set up your Security Questions. This will allow you to reset your password over the web should you need to do so.
Staff members who are enrolled in a class at Fullerton College will be assigned a student account for separate use.
It is important that you logout each time you are finished using the computer; otherwise, someone else may have access to your account.
To access your email from off campus through a browser, go to https://o365.fullcoll.edu
Account Deletion
Accounts will be deleted when you are no longer employed by the college. If you retire from the College, and would like to keep your FCNet email address, please contact your Dean or Manager.
Data Storage
Accounts are allotted 10 gigabytes of data space on their H: drive, 10 gigabytes on their S: drive, and 5 gigabytes of mail space on the server. Files should be saved in your home directory (H:). If you will be accessing files from a student lab or classroom, use your S: drive, which saves files to the student server. Files saved in any other directory will be purged regularly.
You are responsible for deleting your old email and for keeping your email within the allotted disk space limit. Prior to reaching your mailbox space limit you will receive notification from the system. When you receive this notice, delete all unnecessary email, empty your sent and deleted items folders in Outlook, and save all mail attachments to your H: drive. If you exceed your mailbox space limitations, you will be unable to receive mail.
Web Space
All FCNet account holders can request web space provided by the campus. Web space is intended for instruction, student outreach, and work related activities only. Before requesting web space, please make sure you have valid FCNet account credentials. Before requesting web space, please contact Jazmine Zuniga at jzuniga@fullcoll.edu to see if the shared WordPress system maintained by Campus Communications will suit your needs.
If your department or organization has special needs that are not suitable for the shared WordPress system, please submit a Service Request to request a discussion on what other solutions are available to your department. Include a brief description of your goals and any special requirements that your web site will have. Those electing not to use the shared WordPress system will need to be familiar with web development including HTML/CSS, along with Microsoft Expression, Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver or similar web design software, including how to transfer web content via secure FTP using an application such as FileZilla.
Assistance for creating a web site including templates and graphics is available at http://webhelp.fullcoll.edu. Academic Computing recommends the use of the shared WordPress system due to its ease of use, combined with Campus Communications handling WordPress core and plugin updates as needed. Staff Development provides additional assistance through regular training sessions on WordPress. If your department is considering utilizing a vendor to develop a web site for you, you must schedule a meeting with a member of our Development team prior to contracting with a company.
To review polices regarding web hosting for employees please visit https://kb.fullcoll.edu/a/1708796-employee-web-sites.