FCNet Computer Lab Policies

Computer Lab Policies

  • All students using the lab must acquire an FC student ID card or present a valid photo ID and a class printout. FC student ID cards may be picked up in the Student Center during posted hours.
  • Students using the computer labs must bring their student ID card or valid photo ID and class printout each time they use an FC Computer lab. In order to use a computer, students must place this card in the holder provided on the computer. You must log in with your own FCNet account each time you use the lab. You will not be allowed access to the lab without your student ID card or valid photo ID.
  • All FC computer labs are open to FCNet account holders on a first-come, first-served basis while computers are available. If all computers in the lab are in use, students will be referred to other open labs. If all available labs are full and 5 students are waiting, a new lab will be opened.
  • Software available for use in the computer lab has already been installed on the server or the hard drives. Persons using the lab are not allowed to add or remove software from the computers or in any way compromise the hard drive.
  • All persons using an FC computer lab must abide by the Acceptable Use Policy and NOCCCD policy.
  • The computers are available for educational use only. Game playing, peer-to-peer file sharing, and use of the computers for personal gain are prohibited.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the lab. Please help maintain the lab in a neat and orderly manner.
  • The computer labs close promptly at the posted times. Please schedule your usage accordingly.
  • Anyone found to be in violation of these policies will have their FCNet account revoked.

    See also printing.

Acceptable Use Policy

Fullerton College reserves the right to limit, restrict or extend computing privileges and access to its information resources. All campus computing facilities are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner in accordance with the mission of Fullerton College. Failure to adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension or revocation of the offender’s privilege of access. The person in whose name the account is issued is responsible for its proper use.

Acceptable uses of the computing resources are activities that support learning and teaching at Fullerton College. Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt system performance will be viewed as criminal activity under applicable state and federal law. The system administrator in the course of managing the system may view all data, including email.

Unacceptable uses of the computer resources include but are not limited to:

1. Violating individuals’ right to privacy.

2. Using profanity, obscenity, or language offensive to another person.

3. Reposting personal communications without the author’s prior consent.

4. Copying copyright protected material in violation of copyright law.

5. Downloading or installing software.

6. Playing games.

7. Peer-to-peer file sharing.

8. Using the network for financial gain, commercial, or illegal activity.

9. Using the network to access material or make individual contacts or communications that are without educational value in the context of the mission of the college.

The network management accepts no responsibility for harm caused by system use. Logging in acknowledges that you have read this policy, are familiar with its contents, and agree to act in accordance with the above.

611 Lab Reservation Utilization Policy

The 611 lab is available to Instructors for demonstration purposes on a limited basis. Instructors may reserve the lab through the Public Folder on Outlook by submitting a meeting request. To log in using the link above, please precede your user name with fc\. Once the request has been approved, it will be visible on the calendar. The number of students needing to use the computer labs increases each semester, as does the number of courses requiring computer use. In order to maximize availability the following provisions are in place:

  • Instructors may reserve the 611 lab on a first-come, first-served basis, 1 hour per section per week, not to exceed 6 hours per section per semester. As long as there are no conflicting requests, instructors may be allowed reserve for longer periods and/or more frequently. As the number of instructors and classes wishing to utilize this limited resource increases, more conflicting requests will occur. In this event, reservations in excess of the above limit may be modified.
  • As the number of classes desiring to use the lab increases, it may be necessary to decrease the number of times per semester the lab can be reserved.
  • 611 reservations for the following year are accepted beginning July 1st of the current year.

Students using the 611 lab as a class will be charged for printing.

Please call Campus Safety to open the room for you.

To cancel your reservation, please email Gabriel Rodriguez.

Academic Computing Technologies is committed to providing all students access to our limited computing resources. Thank you for your cooperation.